The Goddess Education Saraswati Society established the Sunrise College of Education in April 2008 with a vision to impart quality educattion to the children for their overall development and by giving due stress on Indian Values which are respected throughout the world,the young mind will be prepared to act as the messenger for world piece. They will help to form a society free prejudices such as the religion,cast,creed and colour.they will work for the benefit of the human race and their only religion will be huminity. They will follow the motto of "Service before Self".
The students of the college are prepared for their overall development so that they may face the challenges in this competitive world later on at each step in their boldly and courageously.
The Institute has spacious architecturally designed lecture and tutorial rooms, airy and electric gadgets...
Sunrise College of Education provide the student activities, sports events, tour, & more photos.
Students are expected to conduct themselves at all times- in class and on campus- in a manner that benefit .